LeadHER Prive

A community for growth-oriented women and male allies across the world.

LeadHER Prive

Our platform serves as a meticulously curated online and offline community dedicated to fostering the growth of women-led businesses and careers globally.

Global Community

Join a dynamic community that provides a comprehensive suite of resources, including access to knowledge, funding, mentorship, strategic visibility, global networks and in-country partners from industry, academia and government.

Become a

Join us as a mentor and contribute to the success of aspiring women founders and leaders around the globe. Your expertise can make a significant difference in your mentees’ journey.

Knowledge & Learning

Access our curated repository of resources, tools and educational materials designed to equip you with valuable skills and knowledge to help in your personal and professional growth.


Accessible to everyone


Apply to get selected and become a part of our international community.

Some of the benefits of joining the Collective:
A supportive and inclusive global forum of growth-oriented women and male allies.

Get introduced to industry experts and job creators for work opportunities.

Attractive discounts on our much sought-after paid masterclasses, workshops and programs.

Opportunity to attend exclusive partner events.


Quarterly & annual plans


With Privé, you gain access to a suite of premium benefits and services tailored to elevate your professional journey.

Get access to:
All Collective benefits ++

Monthly virtual global networking meeting FoundHER Connect.

Warm Introductions to Connexus Partners and network.

Speaker Opportunities on global stages.

Access to online resource library from global sector specialists.

Apply for ConnectHER Membership

    Corporate Memberships

    Would you like to offer your women employees access to the ConnectHER community as a part of your diversity and inclusion initiatives and help them thrive in their roles?

    Reach out to us at membership@theconnexushub.com to find out more about our corporate membership offerings.